After Effects 20 Timeline Shortcuts

Glide through your timeline

Here are my top 20 shortcuts to help you work faster and more efficiently through your After Effects timeline!

Suitable for beginners, but experienced After Effects might be surprised by some of these tips!

The video includes:

  1. Transform Properties
  2. Easy Ease
  3. Reveal all Keyframes
  4. Pen Tool/Mask
  5. Path Layers
  6. Audio
  7. Trim and Move Layers
  8. Show Effects
  9. Jump to Keyframe
  10. Move 1 frame/10frames
  11. Jump to Start/End
  12. Zoom in/out of timeline/comp
  13. Add Marker
  14. Work Area Bar
  15. Maximise Panel
  16. Toggle Switches
  17. Mini Flowchart
  18. Move Timeline
  19. Duplicate/Split Layers
  20. Pre-Compose


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